The yoga and pilates industry is growing at such a rapid pace that it’s currently valued at $12.8 billion and projected to grow higher in the future. 

The increasing need for and awareness for well-built couples with the rise of stress levels has contributed to the growth of both forms of exercise. Yoga just recently took the world by storm, and all of a sudden, millions of people were getting yoga pants and mats to immerse themselves in the peace it has to offer.

The most common question most people ask is, "What is the difference between Pilates and yoga." Both forms of exercises are low-impact, low-intensity, and inclusive. However, they are also starkly different from their origins to their results and the fact that yoga is more about flexibility and stability, while pilates is about strength and stability.

In this guide, we’ll take you through some of the most essential differences of pilates and yoga, and help you understand which of the two you should choose.

They Have Varying Histories

Pilates has been around for close to a century now and was founded by Joseph Pilates in 1925. It was initially used for physical rehabilitation, and its main purpose is to improve posture, strengthen the core, elongate and stabilize the spine, develop balance, and boost overall strength. 

Of course, pilates has changed drastically over the course of the past few years, as more and more people have adapted to it, but these core goals still stand. Yoga spawned from India several thousand years ago, and its initial purpose was to connect individual and universal consciousness together. 

Yoga uses breath control, asanas or postures, and simple medication to improve an individual’s emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health. It features quite the articulate attention to detail when it comes to the poses that it helps one calm down. It helps quiet a busy mind while all the while building strength and flexibility.

Different Equipment

We all know that yoga requires a mat; that is something that seems like a necessity. It does use several other materials and equipment to aid in the exercises, like straps, blocks, and blankets.

However, pilates uses various equipment like wunda chair, Cadillac, spine correctors, small barrel, tower, reformer, etcetera. These equipment are used to assist in improving strength, perfecting alignment, and improving any inconsistencies in the body.

The Methods

Most pilates exercises use equipment during the process in order to challenge the body, turn it on, and control muscles for body positioning. Due to its ability to strengthen the core and build stability through the body, pilates is a highly recommended rehabilitation tool. A lot of physical therapists across the world recommend or use pilates in their repertoire.

The center of yoga, on the other hand, revolves around the mind-body connection. The body serves as resistance instead of using equipment, and it ends with savasana, or relaxation and guided meditation.


In yoga, threat work is known as Sanskrit, which is very important. It’s considered to be the source of energy that flows through the body. Some yoga exercises encourage breath work throughout, while others only devote a section of it.

In pilates, people are encouraged to be aware of their breath throughout their routines. They should inhale through their nose and exhale through their mouths. However, pilates does not use different breathing techniques or breath devotion sections of their pilates class, and it should instead be consistent and constant.

The Moves

The moves applied between pilates and yoga are also different somewhat, and the amount of time you spend holding them is just as different. People hold their yoga poses a lot longer than pilates, which allows them to fall deeper into the pose and achieve their connection. They also repeat the flow of the moves, which is not always the case in pilates.

The movements are always shorter, with a significant focus on precision and control in pilates. Still, both forms of exercise use breathing, focusing techniques, and alignment to achieve their goals.

The Intention

The intention of pilates is to align the body through precision and control of each movement. When it comes to yoga, it’s about mind and body spiritual connection. The end result may be different, but you still come out of it, flexible and strong. While yoga will place focus on your entire body, pilates will mainly work on your powerhouse muscles.

If you want something more physical, pilates is the exercise of choice, but if you want something deeper and mental, yoga may be more suitable. Most people choose to do both and achieve both results.

How Do You Choose the Right One?

Pilates vs. yoga, which one should you go for? Despite there being a difference between pilates and yoga, the best thing is that you don’t necessarily have to choose as you can do both. However, it helps to consider what goals you’re trying to achieve.

If, for instance, you need to lose weight, pilates would be a much better choice because you can use the machines to incorporate cardio and burn additional calories. On the other hand, if you’re trying to combat anxiety and depression, you’ll find that yoga is most helpful, as it calms the mind and connects to your spirit.

Yoga poses encourage relaxation when you concentrate on your breath. This will also relax your muscles. If you have back issues, though, yoga may not be ideal for you as it could exacerbate the problem. However, if you want to increase flexibility, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

The Difference Between Pilates and Yoga

The main difference between pilates and yoga is the end result, and you should choose the right one depending on what you’re after. However, you can always try both options and decide which one works best for you. 

If you choose to go with pilates, please book a class session with us today and get your body in shape!